Q: How do I register for a youth soccer clinic?

A: The easiest thing to do is to visit the WideWorld website links dedicated to the youth clinics. From the Youth Soccer drop-down menu, you will see options for: Tot Lot;  Jr Tigers Clinic 3-9; Jr Tigers Academy 5-7; and Jr League 5-7. You can learn more about each clinic as well as register your child through any of these links.

Q: How do I register a youth recreational soccer team?

A: Please visit the main page of WideWorld’s website. From the Youth Soccer drop-down menu you will see an option for: Rec League 8-14. From here, you can register a 2nd/3rd grade, 4th/5th grade, or 6th-8th grade (Middle School) team.

Q: How do I get on a Team Roster?

A1: Log into your WideWorld Account. Click on Registration, select the league you want, and then select the “Join a Team” option. From there, search for your team and click on the Join team button. This will send an email to your team manager who must then accept your request to join the team.

A2: Team Managers, or any team member on a team roster, can log into their WideWorld Account, click on the INVITE tab, and then enter their team member emails in the space provided. This will send an email to each respective team member asking them if they want to join. Team members must accept the invitation in order to join.

Q: Do I have to pay a yearly membership fee?

A: WideWorld’s membership fees have been waived for all PARTICIPANTS.

Q: Do I have to pay the membership fee if I am the coach of a youth team?

A: No. When you go to register the team make sure to indicate in the registration process that you are the manager of the team. The system will not add the fee to your cart at Check Out.

Q: Which team changes jersey color in case of a conflict with the opposing team?

A: IT IS NOT THE HOME TEAM. The team with fewer players at the time of kick off  is the unfortunate team that has to change. There are game vests in the WW front office that can be exchanged for a set of keys. Once the vests are returned, the keys are returned (Due to COVID-19, game vests will no longer be provided to customers. Teams will be required to bring their own set of vests in case of color conflicts).